Biological names: Rosa damascene , Rosa gallica and Rosa centifolia
Rose has an amazing ability to bloom repeatedly throughout the summer and into late autumn. Rose bushes have become one of the most popular garden shrubs bearing flowers in a variety of colors -red, white, pink, yellow, orange, and burgundy. Currently, there are thousands of rose varieties and hybrids that have been developed for their bloom shape and color, size, fragrance, and some even for their lack of thorns.
Rose has an amazing ability to bloom repeatedly throughout the summer and into late autumn. Rose bushes have become one of the most popular garden shrubs bearing flowers in a variety of colors -red, white, pink, yellow, orange, and burgundy. Currently, there are thousands of rose varieties and hybrids that have been developed for their bloom shape and color, size, fragrance, and some even for their lack of thorns.
Organic aspects
The main fragrant constituents of rose oil are the terpenoids, geraniol and citronellol. Roses have antioxidant, antibacterial and antimicrobial activities. Retinol, a Vitamin A, is frequently used in cosmetic creams as a wrinkle reducer, is found in rose oil along with vitamin C, omega-3, omega-6 and linolenic acid. These nutrients make rose oil possible treatment for scars.
Aroma therapy
There are two types of rose oil commonly available: rose otto, captured by steam distillation of the fresh petals; and rose absolute, obtained by solvent extraction of the fresh petals. It invokes positive thoughts, spiritualism and feelings of joy, happiness and hope.
The oil is said to have mild sedative activity and is used to treat anxiety and depression. In addition to producing oil, rose petals are commonly used in potpourris, and can be added to salads, jellies and jams. The dried petals of the rose varieties, Rosa gallica and R. x centifolia, which are rich in astringent tannins, are used in mouth rinses to treat mild inflammations.
The oil is said to have mild sedative activity and is used to treat anxiety and depression. In addition to producing oil, rose petals are commonly used in potpourris, and can be added to salads, jellies and jams. The dried petals of the rose varieties, Rosa gallica and R. x centifolia, which are rich in astringent tannins, are used in mouth rinses to treat mild inflammations.
Rose Oil
Rose oil is, a yellowish-grey liquid, obtained by steam or water distilled from fresh rose petals. It can help with a number of problems, particularly for women. Rose oil is considered an aphrodisiac and it takes several thousand rose petals to produce just one drop of rose oil so it is highly priced. In face creams, rose essential oil is combined with other hydrating ingredients; the essential oil alone is not enough to create a creamy consistency.
It is dry oil, the skin will soak it up quickly without a greasy feeling. It can be used straight or mixed into a cream or lotion. Rose oil should not be used on broken skin or open wounds unless directed to do so by a physician. Rose oil is anti-depressant, anti-septic, anti-viral, astringent, bactericidal and a tonic to the liver, stomach and uterus. It is known as the ‘women’s oil’, helping with menstrual problems and benefiting the skin, particularly mature or aging skin.
Rose oil is frequently adulterated because of its high price. Adulterated rose oil may be a combination of rose oil and/or other essential oils similar to rose oil. In addition, rose fragrance oil is not pure rose oil, but rather synthetically made oil.
Benefits of Roses to Skin and in Treating Scars
According to an article entitled “The Therapeutic Benefits of Roses” in Rose Magazine, roses are highly nourishing to the skin. They are beneficial to all skin types, especially dry, sensitive and aging skin. Roses can diminish redness in the skin caused by enlarged capillaries. They also have a toning effect, and are naturally antiseptic. Avoid applying rose face cream to areas of the face that do not require much moisture; in some people, these areas include the forehead, nose and chin.

Rose oil restores original skin color by reducing hyper-pigmentation and redness, avoid formation of keloids scars, fade scars left by chicken pox or acne, and even treat skin burned from radiation therapy. Some home-made tips & tricks to get benefits of roses.
Rose oil restores original skin color by reducing hyper-pigmentation and redness, avoid formation of keloids scars, fade scars left by chicken pox or acne, and even treat skin burned from radiation therapy. Some home-made tips & tricks to get benefits of roses.
Making Rose Face Cream- a simple rose face cream simply by adding quality essential oil of rose to an existing cream. Start with a cream that is mild and fragrance-free. To every tablespoon of cream, add two to three drops of rose essential oil. Mix the cream and essential oil together thoroughly using a spoon or stirrer. Store the cream in a cool place away from direct sunlight.
Rose for body odour- make a paste of fresh rose petals in water & apply it all over the body. Wait for half an hour & then bath as usual. This will also soothe your senses.
Rose for mouth odours- roses are useful in treating any kind oral problems. Take fresh rose petals wash them properly & chew for about 2mins. Doing this everyday in morning will give healthy & stronger teeth. It also checks gum-bleeding
For Itching and Skin Irritation- mix some lemon juice with essential rose oil & use it as a lotion on affected area.
Mouth ulcers- boil some rose petals in 1liter of water allow it to cool. Gargle with this water 2-3 times a day.
For naturally glowing and youthful skin and body- chew some rose petals everyday. Isn’t it easy??? It clears the system from within to give a natural glow. It will strengthen bones & joints if eaten on a regular basis & reduces chances of arthritis and other bone related problems.
For eyes- pure rose water is good for various vision problems. Put 2 drops of it before going to bed
For headache- make rose petal paste in water & apply it all over the forehead for instant relief.
For vaginal infections- dried rose petal powder is applied on the affected area.
P.S. Use of fresh rose petals is preferred. Dried ones can be used as an alternative unless it isn’t specified.
Hope you benefit from this.
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