Botanical identification (proposed) | Cultivar name / Vernacular name | Descriptive info. (various sources) | Photo of cultivar or type if available |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Arumagan' aka 'Arumugam' | Green, white and lavender fruits, many are striped. From Tamil Nadu ' India. Available : Baker Creek, Amishland Seeds. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Asian Bride' aka 'Bride' | 2-3 fruits per cluster. Fruit is slender, straight, 20 cm long ( 7 - 8 inches) and 3.5 cm (1 - 2 inches) in diameter, weighing about 90 g. It has purple skin with white stripes, green calyx, and white flesh. Available : Known-You Seed Co. Ltd., Kings Seeds N. Z., Tomato Growers Supply Co | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Aspara' F1 | Indiant eggplant, with small oval round smooth skinned white- striped purple fruits 80 g. produced in clusters. Reminiscent ofUdumalapet. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Bali ' F1 | Long-fruited Indian cultivar with purple fruits in the 80 to 100g range.
Available : Seeds of India.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Bangladeshi Long' | Cylindrical purple-gray fruit with dark purple stripes. Available : Baker Creek | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Bharata Star' | Indian cultivar with medium size round dark purple fruits (200-300 g)
Solanum melongena L. | 'Black Baby' aka 'Black Chu Chu'F1 | Indiant eggplant with small oval round purple fruits 40 to 50 g. 45 days. Available : Cross Country Nurseries. |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Black Egg' | An early Japanese cultivar with small, tender, egg-shaped or pear-shaped fruits about 5 inches long. The 3 foot tall plant is somewhat tolerant of flea beetles, its foliage is green with purple veins. 65 to 85 days. Available: Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Seeds by Design, Marianna's Heirloom Seeds |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Cambodian Green Giant' | Large round flat variety from Cambodia. Pale green with dark green stripes, lightly ribbed (2 - 4 inches x 5 - 6 inches). 90 days. Available :Marianna's Heirloom Seeds, Trade Winds Fruits, Baker Creek, Cross Country Nurseries. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Chinese Long Sword' | Similar to Long White, only a couple inches fatter. 85 days. Available: Marianna's Heirloom Seeds | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Chu Chu' aka 'Red Chu Chu' | Indian eggplant with small oval round bright red puple fruits 40 to 50 g. 40 days. Available : Evergreen Seeds | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Fengyuan Purple' | A foot (30 cm) long fruits. 65 days. Available: Tomato Growers Supply Co, Trade Winds Fruits, Cross Country Nurseries. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Green Doll' F1 | An elongated form of the Thai round green eggplant. White egg-shaped fruits 15-20 grams with the typical green markings.Available : Evergreen Seeds. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Hari ' F1 | Long-fruited Indian cultivar with green fruits in the 80 to 100g range. 50 - 55 days.
Available : Seeds of India.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Harihar' F1 | Oval-round-fruited Indian cultivar with green fruits in the 80 to 90 g range. 50 - 55 days. Available : Seminis India.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Indian Red' | Extremely rare, no seed source known. Red Chu Chu would probably be the closest to this type among modern cultivars, with a sligthlydifferent shade of red and minus the black stripes. |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Japanese White Egg' | Close to the "original", still grown around the world in both O.P and F1 form, mostly appreciated as a curiosity and an ornamental eggplant. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Kamo' | Round fruits lavender white to dark purple 4 to 5 inches in diameter. Origin Kyoto - Japan. |
Solanum melongena L. orSolanum torvum Sw. ? | 'Kermit' F1 | Hybrid version of Thai round cherry size eggplant, with small round white fruits 3 to 5 cm in diameter with dark-green shoulders (blossom end) and stripes. 'Tige'r & 'Petch Siam' have similar looking fruits. Compact, well-branched plant with a prolific set of 40 to 60 g fruits . 60 days. Available : Nicky's Nursery, Tomato Growers Supply Co., Reimer Seeds, Evergreen Seeds |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Kurume Long Purple' | Japanese cultivar with dark purple fruits, 6 - 8 inches long by 1.5 - 2 inches in diameter.
Available : Cross Country Nurseries.
Solanum melongena L. | 'Kyoto Egg ' F1 | Dark purple egg-shaped to round fruits.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Lao Green Stripe' aka 'Green Tiger' | Round 2'' green fruit with white stripes. Best eaten when small. 90 days. Available : Baker Creek, Reimer Seeds, Trade Winds Fruits, British Seeds Ltd. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Lao Lavender' | Long oriental type. Very pretty, brilliant violet fruits. 90 days. Available : Marianna's Heirloom Seed | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Lao Purple Stripe' aka 'Purple Tiger' | Round 2'' purple fruit with white stripes. Best eaten when small. 90 days. Available : ChilePlants, Reimer Seeds, Trade Winds Fruits, British Seeds Ltd., Cross Country Nurseries. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Lao White' | Ball shaped fruit from Laos, matures to deep yellow. Available : Baker Creek | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Little Fingers ' F1 | Chinese cultivar with small long purple fruits.
Solanum melongena L. | 'Long White Angel ' F1 | Chinese cultivar with long white fruits.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Lucky Green' | Chinese cultivar with long green fruits.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Ma Zu Purple' | Chinese cultivar with long purple fruits.
Available : Cross Country Nurseries.
Solanum melongena L. | 'Machiaw' F1 | Long, slender purple fruit. Tender flesh. Available: Tomato Growers Supply Co, Cross Country Nurseries. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Malaysian Dark Red' aka'Malaysian Violet' | 8 to 10 inches long slender fruits on 2 to 3 feet plants. 60-70 days. Available: TradeWinds Fruit |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Manjari' F1 | Small Indian cultivar with dark-purple fruits in the 30 to 100g range. Available : Seminis India.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Megadok ' F1 | Chinese cultivar with long purple fruits.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Milionaire ' F1 | Japanese cultivar with long dark purple fruits.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'No Name 1' | Thai eggplant with small round yellow fruits 2.5 to 5 cm in diameter.
Available: USDA - ARS, Chiang Mai University Thailand.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'No Name 2' | Thai eggplant with yellow egg-shaped fruits. Plant number 181. ID number PI 593808. Available: USDA - ARS, Chiang Mai University Thailand. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'No Name 3' | Thai eggplant Available: USDA - ARS,Chiang Mai University Thailand.
Solanum melongena L. | 'Ping Pong' F1 | A larger size fruit compared to the typical pea eggplant. |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Ping Tung Long' aka PingtungLong' | Deep shiny lavender fruits 12-18 inches long by 1.2 inch in diameter. Keep plant upright in order to get straight fruits.65 to 90 days. Available : Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Seeds by Design, Trade Winds Fruits, Tomato Growers Supply Company | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Ping Tung' | Violet-purple sweet fruits 45cm long and 5cm in diameter. Disease resistant and highly productive plant.. Top Chinese cultivar on the market from Taiwan. 62 to 70 days. Available: Nicky's Nursery |
Solanum torvum Sw. or Solanummelongena L.? | 'Puangyok' aka 'Puangyok Thai Pea' | A Thai pea eggplant with green cherry size fruits (40 to 80g). Plant 8 to 12 feet high. |  |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Purple Ball' | Oriental bite size eggplant with small dark purple fruits 10 to 12 g. Available : Evergreen Seeds, Cross Country Nurseries. |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Raavayya' F1 | Indian hybrid. Reddish purple oval fruits 2.5 x 1.5 inches with many uses in the kitchen.
Available : Cross Country Nurseries | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Ratna' aka 'Ratnayake' | Small Indian cultivar with dark-purple fruits in the 30 to 100g range.
Available : Amishland Seeds, Seeds of India.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Rhim Jhim' | Indian cultivar. Purple fruits with white streaks. Available : Seeds of India
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Rolex ' F1 | Thai cultivar with long (10 inches) green mild and sweet fruits about 100 to 200g. Attractive plant.
Solanum melongena L. | 'Senryu Ni Gou ' F1 | Japanese cultivar with elongated dark purple fruits.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Shoya Long ' F1 | Japanese cultivar with very long dark purple fruits.
Solanum melongena L. | 'Southern Pink' F1 | Large fruits, 150-200 grams in weight, have very small seed cavity and very slow seed ripening. Available : Evergreen Seeds. | |
Solanum violaceum Ortega ? | 'Sparrow's Brinjal' aka "MaWaeng " | Rare. Tiny greenish-white fruits are used in curries. They turn red at maturity but are still used in soups and sauces, also in natural medicine. Attractive plant needing protection from the cold. Available : Baker Creek, Nicky's Nursery | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Suphal' | Indian cultivar with medium size oval dark purple fruits (200-300 g) | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Supriya' | Indian cultivar with medium size round violet fruits (200-300 g)
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Dark Round Green' | Dark green fruits, striped with white. Excellent in stir fry. Easy to grow. Available : Baker Creek | |
Solanum torvum Sw. | 'Thai Green Pea'
Import into the USA prohibited | Tiny green fruit looks the size of a pea. Strong eggplant taste. Great in stir fry's. Matures late. Available : Baker Creek | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Light Round Green' | Tiny green fruit with light green stripes. Available : Baker Creek, Nicky's Nursery, British Seeds Ltd. |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Long Green' | The 10-12" long, very slender fruits are a beautiful light-lime green. The flesh is tender with a mild sweet flavour and few seeds if picked early. Whitening of the fruit indicates maturing and start of seed formation. Good yields on 2-3 ft tall plants. Will grow in a large-enough tub. 80 days. Available : Nicky's Nursery, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Marianna's Heirloom Seeds, British Seeds Ltd. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Long Purple' | Long, thin fruit are dark purple, very mild, sweet and uniform. Available : Nicky's Nursery | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Long Violet' | Violet to light-purple. Can easily be confused with either Ping Tung or Thai Long Purple. Has most of the culinary attributes of Thai Long Green. Available: Seed Savers Network (Aust.) | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Long Yellow' | In reality unknow cultivar of Thaieggplant.Registered with GRIN as PI 639115, Plant number 243. Available: USDA - ARS, Chiang Mai University Thailand.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Purple Egg' | Small purple egg shaped fruit. Available : Baker Creek | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Round Green' | Typical Thai round eggplant with fruits 2 inches in diameter in the 40 to 80g range..Available : Evergreen Seeds.
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Solanum melongena L.
| 'Thai Round Green'
| Available : | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Round White' | Available : | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai White Ribbed' | Most unusual among the Thai eggplants. Pure white, flat and deeply ribbed. Famous inThailand, egg shaped fruit picked when bright yellow. Used as garnish. Available : Baker Creek | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Thai Yellow Egg' | Egg sized fruits harvested when they are a bright golden yellow. Used in Thai dishes and as a garnish. Available : Nicky's Nursery, Trade Winds Fruits, British Seeds Ltd. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Udumalapet' aka 'Udmalbet' | From Tamil Nadu - India. Fruits 3 inches long. Plant matures in 80 - 90 days.
Available : Seed Savers Exchange, Trade Winds Fruits, British Seeds Ltd., Amishland Seeds. | |
Solanum melongena L. | 'Violet Prince ' F1 | Thai eggplant with small round violet-purple and white skinned fruits 25-30 grams. 35-40 days. Available : Evergreen Seeds.
Solanum melongena L. | 'Matti Gulla' aka "Green brinjal"
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Solanum melongena L. | 'White Ball ' F1 | White fruits in the 40 to 80g range.
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Solanum melongena L. | 'Wu kung ch'ieh' | Thai eggplant with small round white fruits. Available: USDA - ARS, Chiang Mai University Thailand. | |
Solanum melongena L. | มะเขือม่วงเล็ก aka 'Thai Small Purple' | Slightly elongated egg-shaped purple-red Thai eggplant. | |