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Saturday 23 April 2011

How to Eat Slowly to Avoid Overeating

Eating slowly to avoid overeating is based on the simple fact that your brain needs about 20 minutes to get the "signal" that you are not hungry anymore and you can stop eating; this is because our body needs time for the digestive and hormonal processes take place to a point or phase enough to generate the "satisfied signal". Do not confuse being full with being satisfied; you can be full, even bloated and still hungry and continue eating.
However, eating slowly is not a decision that you make on the spur of the moment, or a New year's resolution that is forgotten well before January ends but a habit that you need to acquire with practice.


  1. 1
    Reprogram your mind. Do not even attempt to acquire the habit of eating slowly before mentally rehearsing it in your mind for at least 21 days. Relax and use your imagination to create mental images, virtual pleasant experiences that your brain will register and remember. Imagine yourself eating slowly, savoring your food and above all the end results:Your lean body.

  2. 2
    Visualize yourself eating slowly see your glass of water, you will need to drink water before, with and after your meal to get the sensation of fullness in your stomach and also see in your mind the end result: how you are going to look in that dress or those jeans, suit, etc.
  3. 3
    Always relax before you start eating. Take a few deep breaths, hold it and exhale slowly by the mouth. Get rid of the stress before you start eating; remind yourself of the rewards (Good health, good looks, etc.). Look at the clock and mentally add 20 minutes, that is your goal: take at least 20 minutes to enjoy your food.
  4. 4
    Drink water
     Drink water
    Drink a glass of water and/or eat a small bowl of light soupbefore your main dish, and drink water with your food. This will help your sensation of fullness.
  5. 5
    Put the fork down after putting food in your mouth. take a sip of water, engage in conversation. Savor each bite, make it a pleasant experience so you will want to repeat it.
  6. 6
    Concentrate on your food and really enjoy it. Your brain will keep a record of that pleasant experience and this new way of eating will become automatic (Second nature) with practice.
  7. 7
    Add 20 min. that's your goal
     Add 20 min. that's your goal
    Dedicate at least 20 minutes to finish your meal. Have always a wall clock in plain view from the table to adjust your eating speed; eat your last portion real slowly. If you are still hungry after 20 minutes, it means you are eating too fast; there is a "sensor" in our brain (In the hypothalamus)that needs about 20 minutes to get activated, digestive and hormonal processes need to take place before our brain realizes we are not hungry anymore; we could feel bloated and still hungry. You know what happens when we overeat right? (Look at the image at right; however by then it is too late) Do not wait till you see the consequences at the scale; take corrective action at the table: Monitor constantly your eating speed, drink water, watch the wall clock. Eating slowly will become automatic (Natural) after you experience the rewards.
  8. 8
    If you feel still a little bit hungry after this, stop anyway; drink a little bit more water. This is where you will need a little will power and remember your motivation. In 5 more minutes you will not want to eat more even if food is delicious you will feel satisfied and full.
  9. Tips

    • Always remind yourself of your motivations (How you will look, etc.); read "Psycho Cybernetics", it is a great little inexpensive book that explains how you can synthesize experiences using our imagination.
    • Eating slowly needs to be an enjoyable experience. The use of a "heat retentive plate"or "plate for eating slowly" is strongly recommended. Your brain registers enjoyable experiences and makes you want to repeat them; that's a good way of acquiring any habit.
    • Please tweet for other people; many of your family and friends may benefit from this information.
    • Keep in mind that your brain needs 20 minutes to realize that you are not hungry any more. Your plate will remain still hot after 30 minutes.
    • If you are still a little bit hungry after 20 minutes, STOP anyway, think of your motivation, your goal, drink a little bit more water, in 5 more minutes you will not want to eat more even if your host insists.

    Things You'll Need

    • Wall clock (In front of you)
    • Water (If you are still a little hungry remember: stop eating anyway, drink some more water slowly)

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